So the thing is I thought and I thought and then I thought a little more and then I took a little break from all that thinking and got myself a Cadbury Crackle(I justified it to my calorie-conscious mind that I deserved it after all the thinking) and then I sat down on my compie.And I came up with this and that and deleted most of it (who am I kidding here?I deleted ALL of it.It was crap) I just couldn’t make up my mind “what could my first blog be about?” And then lightning struck me(literally, my mom found out the candy wrappers in my shoes(what can I say?I am lazy).I thought she’d never go there. I guess there’s no stopping a Mom) but after ALL of that,I realized this is me. The sluggish girl, the confused young woman, the one who always makes it hard for others to understand (and/or live).I have never ever in my life ever made a plan and if even if somebody made it for me I never stuck through it till the end. This is me. unpredicted and riotous in limits(go figure).I am not original, I think copying(I’d rather call it being inspired) is the way to go; also, it’s easier.
Yeah, I use lots of brackets in my sentences(This is my brand of OCD,or maybe I just think every person who is going to read this is going to be mentally slow and will need as much as possible “added information”) I do shop a lot, and eat lots of chocolates and gossip, but that’s an average girl for you; but what is not-average about me is I like to believe I have a great sense of humor and that puts most guys in my life at an insecure spot, also I usually never get angry (that is a hitch I also worry about sometimes) and I am tall (not very I am just 5’6”,but people make a big thing about it, and I don’t mind the attention)
I have a few secrets: 1)Like,I have a certain quality I look for in a man, no it’s not that he should be tall and handsome, etc. It’s that he should NOT get along with my best friend.I fear that he’ll think she’s more fun. Actually she is.(The secrets out but she won’t ever read no biggie!) 2) I think I am so pretty that I intimidate people. HAHA. (That was a joke. No I am not THAT pretty)
I believe that everybody should get lots of chances at everything, one shot is not sufficient (or rational).I believe that dreams come true. I think that we are all seriously good people in the deepest of our hearts and I know that we all love knowing that we have always got another shot at being a better person.
For me, life is not all that complicated despite what I usually make it sound like.
So go live,love and flyyyyy!
(P.s. I can’t believe you read the whole thing,I got bored out by the middle myself!